Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Assignment # 2

Empathy , When I hear the word empathy I think of the word path. That's what reminds me of what empathy means for those of you who dont know what empathy means it means to "take a walk in someone else's shoe" .In other words it means to feel what someone else is feeling.It's like taling a path in someone elses heart or feelings. So If you don't want to be bullied then don't bully anyone because carma will get you back.Here are some synonnoms  for empathy affinity,aprection,communion,comprehension,concord,insight,pitty,rapp-
orrt,recognation,soul,sympathy,warmth.A word to describe empathy would be emotional.


  1. Hi Jumanh,

    Your poem is lovely, but it's kind of hard to read because it's all in one stanza. Press enter in between each of your lines so the reader knows when to pause when reading.
