If you want to read more about it , click HERE.
This is where I found the definition of what globalization is CLICK.
Now for my definition of what globalization means : Globalization is so many things, it could mean
country's trading , it's socitey's and politics too.
Part B : There is this cool website that Ms.Pollock showed us it's called facereasearch .
What you do is you play around with so many different faces and you average them up and get
one "average" face .
Part C: While I was playing around with faceresearch I noticed that the averaged face has a piece of
I think that the "face of tomorrow" means what our next generation will look like.
What I mean by that is our next generation of people will be a what we call "averaged" baby , it will
be from different races.
Something that really surprised me when I was playing around was I averaged up 3 ugly guys and got
not bad of a looking guy.
Part D:
Here is what I think the face of tomorrow face of a girl will be .
The reason of why I think this is the "face of tomorrow"
is because , I averaged up every race and this is what I got !
Here is what I think the face of tommorow face of a boy will be .
The reason of why I think this is the "face of tommorow" is because
like I said with the girl I averaged up every race.
Part E: I don't think I have a face that represents me because I could really be from any country.
If it was'nt for my hejab people would'nt have knew that I was from an arab country.
Also Iraqi's don't realy have a specifc skin colour , hair , eyes, noes etc.
So I would say no I don't have a face that shows my identity.
There you go Mrs.Pollock I am Done !